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Words Of The Spirit


SPOKEN Jan. 1, 2013


I speak unto thee this day, and I say that when men refuse my rule over them, then are they ruled by demons. I say you are living in a time when I the Living God am unleashing upon the sons of men, more, more, and more demon forces because they have refused my rule. That is, they have refused to be subject unto me, to come forth in my way, to be directed in my light. I say they are being daily oppressed and more oppressed by demon forces, because they have refused my rule. I say you are living in a time that I the Living God am ventilating my sore displeasure, my wrath, my fury, my indignation upon the wayward, the careless fools. That is, the ones who thought they could do it their way, as they pleased, when they pleased, how they pleased. That is, the ones who thought they got by when it is not true.

I say that it is me the Living God, who does hold men accountable for what it is that I desire of them. I say if they will not seek to be ruled by me, that is to be what well pleasing unto me, then it is me the Living God, who does indeed release the demons upon them. I say that they will be under the cruelty, the oppression, the captivity, the darkness of the same. I say in the vindication of my wrath, that I the Living God in the year to come, am releasing more, more, and more demons upon the land. I say upon the wayward fools, who claim that they are my people, I say that the demonization of the same shall increase. They shall grow more and more blinded, because they are steeped in pride. I say they shall grow more and more distant from the truth, living in lies, and loving it so.

I say that it is because I the Living God will punish them, by the habitation of demons in their lives. I say this day that I the Living God, never ever intended that my own people, would be ruled by demons, yet I say so it is in this time. That is, they are ruled by demon forces, they are ruled by those who are full of wickedness, vileness, and corruption. I say all the while they are loving it, or so they imagine until they are under the cruelty, the oppression, the murderous intent of demons. Then I say they will cry, they will scream, they will howl, but I say they are receiving their just reward.

 For I say it is me the Living God, who does reach out unto the sons of men, that they would indeed be repentant and come unto me. That is, I reach out, I desire to show mercy and truth, life and strength, unto the ones who will choose to subject themselves unto me. But I say when men and women will be so stubborn, so proud, so adamant against me, that they refuse to repent, I say what is it that they do? I say they take themselves under the cruelty, the oppression, the darkness of demons, and there they remain.

I say you are living in a time when I the Living God am not holding back, but rather I am releasing demons upon the sons of men. That is, because of their eagerness to be ruled by anything, everything, other than me. That is, because they have regarded me as some old crotchety thing, that they did not desire to serve any more. I say they have opened themselves up to demonization, they have opened themselves up to infestation, and I say that the same shall be their cup. I say that I the Living God am not mocked, and when men through their pride, think they are able to mock me, they are ones who will be mocked. I say that in the process of releasing my wrath upon the sons of men, I will also release upon them, hordes of demons. I say you are going to see a great increase in the demonization, the possession of mankind in the days to come.

For I say that it is me the Living God, who is turning them over to the very things they have desired to be ruled by, other than me. I say that the demonization upon them shall only increase.

I say this day when you stop, you consider that it is me the Living God, who does hold back demons and when I release them, I would ask thee who can stand against the same? I say the ones who shall be able to stand, are the ones who are protected by me. But I say that the ones who have asserted their independence from me, and have desired their own way, I say they will come under the control of demons. I say that the demon powers unleashed upon the land, will be horrible to behold. I say that it is me the Living God who will cause it to be so, and the very things that men have lusted and longed for, the very hidden evils that have lurked in their hearts, shall take control of them.

I say when a man does not stand in me, he does not have the power to stand against demons. But I say when a man will keep his focus upon me, and walk uprightly in me, then he shall be kept from the hordes of demons that shall maraud the land. I say in this wicked, perverse, and vile generation, that I the Living God have many ways that I will be vindicating my wrath upon them. That is, upon the land that is so proud, so arrogant, so full of conceit, they imagine they have no need of me.

I say this day that I the Living God have called my people to walk in me, to keep their vision upon me, to be true unto me. But I say because my people have given themselves over, to consort with the world, and all of the vanities contained therein, now I the Living God will lift up the preventive barrier which was keeping the demons from totally taking them over, and I say the demons shall come in hordes. That is, there will be floods of demons, and men shall lose their minds even in an instant, acting out the demonic agenda.

I say that women shall go mad, screaming and ranting, over nothing at all. I say that it is because it is the time that I the Living God am showing forth my wrath upon a wayward, perverse, and violent people who have resisted me. I say that it is because they have been full of stubbornness and pride, they have been determined to have their way. I say because they have chosen such a course, I say their hearts are far from me.

I say this day that I the Living God do not call my people to be under such a curse, therefore if you are mine, cling unto me. That is, in the days of my wrath revealed, draw all the closer unto me, as thy maker, thy keeper, thy God. I say be finding thy refuge in me, for I am the one who will give mercy unto thee. I say be finding thy refuge in me, for I am the one who will bring thee forth, and cause thee to be rejoicing for I give thee my life.

I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to walk afar off, but I say that I call thee to come forth in the truth, the light, the strength that I provide. That is, I call thee to be made glad that it is me, that you can continue to look to and believe. I say in the days of my wrath revealed, I say that it is the ones who are kept in me, who will be kept. I say that the demon infestation and manipulation, and captivity, shall overwhelm the land.

I say you are living in a nation that is ruled by demons. I say that shall become all the more evident unto the ones, who thought they were living in peace. I say that it is me the Living God, who will really reveal the evil content, that is in the agenda of the land, that is the agenda of pride. For I say when men grow so proud, they have no need of me, I say that the demon hordes take over like a flood. That is, they come in and devour, and devour, and devour, and destroy on every hand.

I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be amongst the workers of witchcraft, who will be revealed in this time. For I say there are multitudes who have posed themselves as all right, who will be proven to be utterly demon possessed. For I say you are living in a time when those who are only playing with demons, will find themselves overwhelmed. I say that demon infection, infestation, and infiltration, shall astound many who look upon the same.

For I say that I the Living God am the one, who will cause it to be so, because men have refused, and refused, and refused to be ruled by me. That is, they have chosen to be ruled by all manner of evil, and wickedness, by all manner of trivia, by all manner of absurdity and I say that they have loved it so. I say that it is me the Living God, who has desired to see men and women come forth in the truth, the light, the strength that I provide.

It is me the Living God who has desired that the ones who would be subject unto me, would come forth in my way. I say therefore this day be glad that you are given the truth, and the light, the privilege to walk in me, the privilege to come day by day. I say be thankful that you do not need to be under demons but you can be ruled by me. I say in the days of my wrath revealed, it is only a fool who will stray from me. For I say there are many who shall be swept into the sea of iniquity, and likewise destroyed by the demon hordes that shall invade the land.

I say this day that I the Living God do delight when my own people, will be glad to be subject to me, to be ruled by me, to be directed by me. But I say to a wayward, perverse, vile, and reprobate generation that I the Living God will release unto them, the wrath of my just reward. That is, the reward of their rebellion, the reward of their stubbornness and pride and their hatred for me. I say it is me the Living God who will bring forth what they deserve, and I say that their cup shall be full.

I say therefore this day, do not be shocked at any thing that you shall see or hear of, for I say that it is the time of demons released. I say that it is the time that men shall be punished, and punished, and punished under the cruelty of the same. I say that there shall be murder, there shall be rape, there shall be slander, there shall be all manner of perversion on every hand. I say that men will behave in ways that you would never have imagined they could. I say that it is because they will have been infected by demons, because they hated me, they despised my rule, and they sought for another way.

I say this day how stupid men are, to think somehow they get by with evil, with wickedness, with perversion, and I the Living God do not see. I say that it is me the Living God who does desire for men to walk uprightly, coming forth in the truth, the light, the strength that I provide. I say that it is me the Living God who does desire that those who are mine, would be thankful to be ever uplifted in me. That is to be brought forth in truth, and light, and mercy even in the days of my wrath.

I say this day that I the Living God have called thee to be subject to truth, to be subject to light, and be thankful for the same. I say consider what a privilege it is to have the beauty of my light in your life, rather than the filthiness, the vileness, the foulness of demons. I say that demons can only lead a man into his own damnation, his own despair. But I say that the light that I the Living God do impart, shall lead a man forward in the truth of who I am.

I say such a one will know eternal life with me, because he is focused upon me. I say this day do not seek for any other rule, but seek for my rule over thee, for it is me the Living God who will give thee mercy. I say that it is me the Living God who will uplift thee in that which I give thee time and again, for I am the one who is able. It is me the Living God who will ever direct thee, correct thee, and show thee indeed that I am well able.

 For I say that it is me the Living God who is the way of righteousness, truth, blessedness, strength, and peace always. I say therefore this day do not be as the fools who cast off my covering, who cast off the inheritance, who cast off my protection, and take up the rule of demons. I say when my people in times past consorted with the pagan, the heathen round about, I say they became ruled as the pagan were by demons. I say they did things worse than the pagan, because of the rulership of demons. I say that it is not a pleasant thing to be ruled by demons, but I say that it is a way of horrifying existence and men shall know the same.

I say this day be glad that I the Living God, do give thee truth and light upon thy path, that I give thee mercy, if you choose to be ruled by me. But know of a surety that all of those who reject my rule, will in the generation that is at hand, be ruled by demon forces that I the Living God am unleashing in my wrath, my fury, my indignation revealed. I say that men shall know what it is to be terribly oppressed, to be in captivity and slavery to demon activity, day by day. I say that it is because they refuse to be ruled by me.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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